Defender Europe 20

Germany hosts large-scale NATO exercise Defender Europe 20
The first British military arrived in the Belgian port of Antwerp today. Together with military personnel from the other 17 NATO countries, they will take part in the Defender Europe exercise, which will take place in Germany, Poland and the Baltic countries. The exercises will be led by the American military (there will be more than half of them – 20 thousand out of 37), and they will be held in the spring.
This is the largest exercise by the alliance forces in the past 25 years. At the same time, the NATO Secretary General has repeatedly called Russia a threat to peace in Europe, and in Germany, these exercises caused a mixed reaction.
37,000 troops from 18 countries, this is what NATO exercises look like. The roads at the entrance to some cities in Germany are blocked because of tanks – which caused outrage among some fellow citizens. After Germany, as part of the exercise, tanks will be strained to Poland, to the border with Ukraine.
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