All-European Union of Eurosceptics

In Europe an ultra-right union of Eurosceptics begins to take shape. The leader of the French National Front, Marine le Pen, met in The Hague with the head of the Dutch People’s Party, Herth Wilders, answering him on a visit six months ago.
Both politicians were not too generous in commenting, but did not hide that they would like, in the elections to the European Parliament next year, to come out with a single front with like-minded people throughout Europe.
“We want to return freedom to our peoples. We want to return sovereignty to our countries. This alone is enough for us to get together and start working together, ”said Le Pen.
The ratings of nationalists and far-right amid the effects of the crisis are growing across Europe. So, according to polls in France, the National Front can count on 25% of the vote.
According to reports, such forces as the Belgian Vlams Belang and the Austrian Freedom Party may join the union.
At the same time, for example, the Hungarian Jobbik seems to Wilders and Le Pen too extremist.
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