
European Elections 2014: will the eloquent win?

European officials speak in their own language. How understandable is the terminology adopted by European institutions of power and common to ordinary citizens of the EU? The European Commission does not consider this issue a secondary one and is heading for a language free of clericalism, or Euro-jargon.

It is no coincidence: as the elections to the European Parliament approach, politicians are concerned about rapprochement with the electorate. Language – simple and intelligible – is one way to reduce distance.

War of words: who will win the eurojargon battle

EU officials often use words like ‘modalities’, ‘stakeholders’ and trilogue. How much is euro-speak turning off the public? The European Commission has updated its manual on eurojargon, suggesting plain-speaking alternatives, but the practice persists. As Spring elections approach are eurocrats losing public hearts and minds with sophisticated terminology? And how can they counter plain speaking populists who win over voters by using words they can understand? Jargon is the buzzword in this edition of The Network. Cut to the chase with presenter Chris Burns and his guest commentators in Brussels.

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