
Thieves in law come to Moscow for the main summit of the decade

Influential “thieves in law” from the CIS and European countries began to gather in the Russian capital. They should take part in the largest gathering of “criminal generals” in recent years.

In law enforcement agencies, in recent days, several dozens of influential “legalists” have arrived in Moscow. Among them are David Sebiskveradze (Dato), who has been living in Greece for many years and recently has been “in charge” of the mafia’s affairs in several European countries, as well as Vazha Biganishvili. He lives in Europe and Kazakhstan and has great weight among representatives of criminal circles who have settled in the countries of the Old World.

All “thieves” should become participants in the largest gathering of gangsters, which is scheduled for the near future. “The exact date has not yet been determined, most likely, the event will take place before the New Year,” the agency’s source said.

The “gathering” was convened by the boss of all the Russian mafia bosses Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro-young). According to Kalashov’s plan, at the gathering the mafiosi will discuss the largest conflicts in their midst, as well as the gangsters adopted in the “family” after 2008.

Final decisions on all issues will be issued in the form of special letters (letters), which will be sent to places of deprivation of liberty. Since the letters will be signed by more than one hundred of the most influential thieves in law, these decisions, unlike the previous ones, can no longer be called into question in the criminal world.

Influential “thieves in law” from the CIS and European countries began to gather in Moscow. They should take part in the largest gathering of “criminal generals” in recent years. It was convened by the boss of all the bosses of the Russian mafia Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro-young). The fate of more than 150 gangsters whose thieves’ crowns are called into question will be decided at the meeting.

According to a Rosbalt source in law enforcement agencies, several dozen influential legalists have arrived in Moscow in recent days. Among them are David Sebiskveradze (Dato), who has been living in Greece for many years and has recently “run the charge” of the mafia’s affairs in several European countries, as well as Vazha Biganishvili. He lives in Europe and Kazakhstan, and has a lot of weight with representatives of criminal circles who have settled in the countries of the Old World. From day to day, the arrival in the capital and Gela Kardava (Gela) is expected, unless, of course, he manages to circumvent the five-year ban on entry into the Russian Federation established by the court.

Among other “thieves,” they should become participants in the largest gathering of gangsters, which is scheduled for the near future. “The exact date has not yet been determined, most likely the event will take place before the New Year,” the agency’s source said. “Unless, of course, the special services and law enforcement agencies decide to put the meeting together.” So, three “thieves” – David Ozmanov, Shalva Ozmanov and Malkhaz Kotua – almost immediately upon arrival in Moscow from St. Petersburg were detained by officers of the MUR. After the preventive conversation, the Omanovs were released, and Kotua remained in a pre-trial detention center, since he had drugs with him. Influential gangsters at a gathering called “thief in law” Zakhary Kalashov. Recently, he interrupted his self-imprisonment in a cottage located in the village of Razdor, Odintsovo district of the Moscow Region. There Shakro-young “donkey”, after being deported from Spain to Russia on October 29, 2014. The “criminal general” has limited his circle of contacts for almost two months, having told the numerous sufferers to see him personally that he must first get on the course of all things.

“Putting everything on the shelves” in his head, Zakhary Kalashov set about active work. According to the agency’s source, almost every day, as at work, a thief in law arrives at the Golden Palace hotel and entertainment complex (the former casino of the same name), located on 3rd Yamsky Field Street. Golen Palace is now controlled by influential businessman Konstantin Manukyan, a close friend of the legalist who is wanted by Interpol for creating a criminal community in Spain and money laundering. It was in this case that Zakhary Kalashov served in Spain for more than eight years.

At Golden Palace, Shakro Young is located either in one of the rooms converted into an office or in the restaurant of the complex. There he hosts a reception of visitors. Every day, representatives of various groups from all over Russia come to the thief in law to show respect to the new boss of all bosses. Many bring with them suitcases with money. These are deductions from organized crime groups in the common fund. Thus, the gangsters recognize that it was Kalashov who became now the No. 1 person in the Russian criminal world. Usually, during such meetings, “thieves” with Yury Pichugin (Pichuga), Vasily Khristoforov (Vasya Voskres) and Dmitry Chanturiya (Miron), who are now in the immediate circle of Zakhary Kalashov, are with Shakro.

And, of course, dozens of thieves in law are frequent guests at Golen Palace. And not only from the clan of Shakro’s close associate the young Aslan Usoyan (Ded Khasan, killed by a sniper in 2013), but also against the latter in recent years. Especially often in the complex you can meet the “thieves” George Diakvnishvili (Gia Long), Paata Tvalchrelidze (Paata small), Robinson Arabuli (Robinson).

Among the “criminal generals,” the main topic for discussion was the current situation in the “thieves’ family.” So, Zakhary Kalashov announced that he temporarily does not consider “gangsters” all gangsters who received their titles after 2008 (we are talking about more than 150 “thieves in law”). It was this year that a bloody criminal war broke out between the clan of Grandfather Hassan and the clan Tariel Oniani (Taro) and Merab Dzhangveladze (Merab Sukhumsky). This confrontation divided the majority of “criminal generals” into two warring camps.

Both sides tried to replenish their ranks as quickly as possible, because of which almost massive coronations of gangsters were carried out. According to Shakro, the assignment of the titles of “thieves in law” to the conditions of the “war” was carried out without observing the necessary procedures, sometimes without the necessary examination of the candidates for joining the “family”.

As a result, among the newly made “lawyers” there were a huge number of young people who, according to Kalashov, do not deserve this. Including former market merchants and killers, which is a gross violation of the unwritten “thieves’ laws.” It is these young people who are now “disgracing” the entire “family”, arranging bloody showdowns with each other. You can constantly hear about the attack on any of the newly made “thieves” who are beaten for several hours, shot at their hands and feet, forced to abandon the title, then strip with knives, etc.

According to the agency’s source, Zakhary Kalashov told his comrades-in-arms that all gangsters adopted into the family after 2008 cannot be considered “thieves-in-law” until their candidacies are re-examined at a large-scale gathering of several hundred of the most influential and respected “criminal generals” ” Carrying out such a meeting is now the main task of Shakro-young. Its exact dates and place have not yet been determined – because of fears that law enforcement agencies may detain all those gathered.

According to Kalashov’s plan, at the gathering the mafiosi will discuss the largest conflicts in their midst, as well as the gangsters adopted in the “family” after 2008. Final decisions on all issues will be issued in the form of special letters (letters), which will be sent to places of deprivation of liberty. Since the letters will bear the signatures of more than one hundred of the most influential thieves in law, these decisions, unlike the previous ones, can no longer be called into question in the criminal world.

An important topic of the gathering should be a long-term war between the Tariel Oniani clan (Taro, sitting in a Russian prison), Merab Dzhangveladze (Merab Sukhumsky, sitting in an Italian prison) and the Aslan Usoyan clan. It is believed that the victims of this particular war were Grandfather Hassan and Jap. According to the source of the agency, Shakro expressed bewilderment by the appearance of several moths at once, signed by a small circle of “thieves,” about the desecration of the Tarot and Merab. According to Kalashov, at a large-scale gathering, one corresponding decision should be taken with respect to Oniani and Dzhangveladze.

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