18 years old is the best age for a prostitute
The opinions of members of the Dutch parliament were divided on whether to raise the minimum age of prostitutes from 18 to 21 years.
The members of the Labor Party (PvdA) express serious doubts in this regard, as they don’t think that this measure will help to fundamentally solve the problem of forcing prostitutes to work.
The opposition parties the People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) and the Socialist Party (SP) are completely against this proposal, because they are convinced that minor prostitutes themselves are responsible for their actions and 18 years are the optimal age. Other parties, however, believe that since prostitution leaves a heavy psychological imprint, legislative changes will counteract the exploitation of prostitutes with unstable psyche by the so-called heroes-lovers
In addition to raising the age limit for prostitutes, the parliament also intends to discuss a proposal for punishments in the form of fines for clients of illegally working prostitutes. However, this issue causes a lot of controversy. For example, various organizations providing assistance to prostitutes believe that such measures will only aggravate the situation of prostitutes.
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