This spring Europe plans to create a new educational institution of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT). The idea of its founding was proposed by the President of the European Commission, Gise, Manuel Barroso in February 2005, based on the experience of the American Massachusetts Institute of Technology. On February 5 the European Commission announced the creation of an interim Identification Committee, which, after conducting a study, will recommend candidates to the Board of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology. The committee was led by Professor Gunter Stock, President of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Natural Sciences and Humanities. The committee also included Professor Miklos Boda – Advisor to the Rector of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics; Cecilia Shelin Zeydegard – Chairman of the Stockholm Royal University of Technology, Professor Ronan Stefan – Director of Industrial Affairs and Technology Transfer of the French National Center for Scientific Research. The Identification Committee plans to work actively for four months, holding various meetings and consultations with leading research and technological organizations of the countries of the European community. At the end of its work, the Committee will have to submit a list of eighteen candidates for leading positions on the Board of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology.
Currently, this training center is the EU’s largest ambitious research project, which should create all the necessary prerequisites for the effective functioning of the “knowledge triangle” (namely: research – education – innovation) and accumulate scientific, business and educational resources to strengthen innovative Union capabilities. The Institute will be built around the so-called “Knowledge and Innovation Communities”, that is, partnership networks consisting of researchers, scientists and representatives of the educational community and enterprises.
For the Institute in the EU provides the necessary funding. So until 2013 for the next 6-7 years) the institute will be allocated more than 300 million euros from the EU budget.
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