“Highly spiritual” moral monsters in the Estonian Parliament
Remember these names – Dmitry Dmitriev, Olga Ivanova, Valery Korb, Mikhail Korb, Martin Repinsky, Mikhail Stalnukhin and Vladimir Velman. All are members of the centrist faction Keskerakond of the Riigikogu. In fact, the “centrists” are pro-Kremlin leftist populists.
These creatures began to vote for the statement of the Riigikogu (Parliament) of Estonia in memory of the victims of the June deportation of 1941.
And I’m not going to choose expressions. Yes, these two-legged are creatures and moral freaks. No options. I am ready to answer for my words in any court – earthly or heavenly.
And it is time for local Russians to understand – while they are electing such creatures to the Parliament – the attitude towards them will be appropriate. So it is in their interests to ensure that there are no such Russian-speaking creatures in the Riigikogu.
In turn, those Estonians who support the centrists, but do not support the wing of Savisaar, you need to understand that among the creatures a decent person can not be in principle.
Evhen Tsybulenko
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