Ecological plans of the European Commission
The European Commission has prepared draft legislation on reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, which will cost the European Union 60 billion euros annually. New legislative proposals will be presented on January 23.
The European community has set a goal – to achieve by 2020 a reduction in CO2 emissions by 20% compared with 1990.
The proposals of Brussels stipulate that starting from 2013 a gradual transition to the sale of all CO2 emission limits for industry through auctions will take place. In 2013, it is planned to sell 20% of the limits at auctions, increasing this figure to 100% by 2020. Only metallurgical, aluminum and cement plants will receive certain preferences.
According to the European Commission, in 2005, 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide were released into the atmosphere in Europe. By 2020, this figure should be reduced by 21%. More than others will have to try Germany, Britain, Italy and Poland, which are leaders in environmental pollution.
A large place in the program is given to the development of renewable energy sources and energy that does not emit CO2 into the atmosphere. The use of renewable energy sources should increase by 11.5%. At the same time, it is proposed for different countries to establish different levels of increase in the use of renewable energy sources.
It is planned that the share of biofuels will be increased to 10%. We are also talking about such sources as wind and wave energy, tides, geothermal energy, biogas and, of course, solar energy.
The new proposals of the European Commission, even before the official publication, have already caused dissatisfaction with a number of EU countries.
Brussels protects the climate
The Global Warming Program, launched on Wednesday by the European Commission, aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20% by 2020 compared to 1990 levels.
Many EU members have already criticized the proposed measures to combat warming.
Now the program should be approved by the European Parliament, and then the governments of all 27 EU members.
“We expect,” said the head of the European Commission, Barroso, “that the program will be fully approved before the UN Conference, which will be held in Copenhagen in 2009. Now this is our main goal.”
The annual cost of the program is estimated at 60 billion euros per year. This amounts to approximately 3 euros per week for each EU citizen. The default price will be ten times greater.
Brussels plans to increase the share of renewable energy sources – wind, solar, water and biofuels from the current 8.5% to 20%.
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