
European muslims adopt historic charter

On January 10, more than 400 Islamic societies from 28 European countries from Russia to Spain signed the first ever charter on relations between European Muslims in general, Islamic organizations, society and the authorities. The aim of the initiative launched by the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe is to develop a common position and determine the role of Muslims in the European community.

The preparation of the document, which planned to clearly formulate the main provisions in the relations of Muslims of Europe with each other and other Europeans and present it to the EU, took four years.

The preparation of the document, which was planned to clearly formulate the main provisions in the relations of Muslims of Europe with each other and other Europeans and present it to the EU, took 4 years.

The first secretary of the federation, Muhammad al-Banani, said that the draft law, drawn up in French, went through many legal and linguistic amendments – its final version will be translated into all European languages, as well as Arabic. The document, consisting of 26 paragraphs, speaks of principles common to Muslims and the political and social contribution of Muslims to the development of European countries. The basic principles of the charter are a call for moderation and a condemnation of terrorism and violence.

“This is a code of good conduct for Muslims in the European community, it obliges them to make efforts to integrate and consolidate society,” Al-Banani added. Mario Mauro, vice president of the European Parliament, for his part, called the charter “a breakthrough in fostering intercultural and interreligious dialogue.”

According to experts, the number of Muslims in Europe will double by 2025 or even earlier.

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