Europe lures migrants
EU countries have recognized that a decrease in the influx of foreign specialists could turn into an economic disaster
The OSCE has presented new data on migration flows, from which it follows that Europe is sorely lacking in foreign specialists. Experts expect a noticeable increase in visitors from abroad in 20 of the 27 EU countries. Most migrants are Portugal, Sweden and Ireland. The least hospitable are Austria, Germany and the United Kingdom, while in Germany the situation is almost deplorable.
The best situation with migration is in Portugal: in just a year, the influx of foreigners here grew by 118%. Sweden is noticeably behind in dynamics, being in second place on this list (+ 38%). In the third – Ireland (+ 34%).
“Workers from Eastern Europe are loved not only because they are cheap, they are hardworking, they can be relied on.” On average, migration flows in Europe increase by 5% annually. Switzerland (+ 10%), Norway and Finland (+9), Italy and Belgium (+3) are close to this trend.
France (–0.4%), the Netherlands and the UK (–5% each) fell into the negative zone. Judging by these data, Germany (–11%) and Austria (–18%) can be called countries with the least favorable migration policies.
German sociologists point out the opposite trend: the Germans themselves emigrate more willingly. Their colonies are most numerous in Denmark, Holland, Austria, Poland and Switzerland.
Experts, commenting on these figures, speak of an impending disaster. If the influx of migrants to Germany cannot be increased, then by 2020 the number of workers will decrease by 2.5%. In 2006, foreigners in Germany increased by 216 thousand people (11% less than a year earlier). Every third of them was a Pole. Turks, Romanians, Hungarians and Italians also willingly come to Germany.
In England, the picture is somewhat different: “Workers from Eastern Europe are loved,” writes the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung, talking about migrants in the UK, “and not only because they are cheap. They are considered hardworking. You can rely on them. ”
OSCE expert Thomas Liebig, commenting on the results of a large-scale study, recalls the situation with Japan, which has already reached a maximum in attracting its own workforce. Most of all, he said, the catering sector and social services, known for their low earnings, suffer from a shortage of workers in Europe.
They come to Western Europe to work seasonally for harvesting asparagus, for example. But, according to the OSCE, every second migrant returns home after five years.
German political scientist Stefani Wal points to a high level of poverty among migrants. According to her, three quarters of the poor in Germany come from other countries. 44% have no special education (72% among the Turks).
Computer experts are in high demand in the EU. Among the native inhabitants of German-speaking countries, interest in this profession is declining. According to sociologists Emnid, only 30% are willing to professionally engage in computers. At the same time, 74% believe this occupation is promising, 70% are convinced that it gives good chances to find a good job, and 64% believe that computer scientists are not at all at risk of unemployment. And explaining their rejection of this profession, respondents most often call it “asexual”.
In Germany, a debate broke out on unfriendly policies towards the so-called Russian Germans, whose number, according to some estimates, exceeds 2 million. According to Christoph Bergner, the government adviser on immigrants, the recognition of diplomas received by immigrants from the former socialist republics, it turned out to be too complicated, which markedly hindered their integration in the German labor market.
For two decades, about 1 billion euros have been spent on programs to equip Russian Germans from the state treasury of Germany.
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